Hey folks,
Glad you stopped by. I hope this can be a welcoming place for you to stretch your legs, check out some info on what's happening around town, and meet an international friend or two.
For Japanese, are you new to Houston and looking to make some American friends, find ESL classes, or home Bible studies nearby?
For Texans, are you interested in helping out Japanese with practical issues, networking together, or even looking to host incoming students?
Well then, that's what we're here for.
As of this writing, there are somewhere around 5,000 short- and long-term Japanese dispersed throughout the greater Houston area - mostly in the Energy Corridor, Medical Center, Clear Lake, and just east of Katy. In general, their biggest needs are basically friendship and English. It is reported of international students that something like 75% of them will never be invited to an American home. Not too long ago, a Japanese friend of mine heard from her American church friend about a Japanese student who had come to Houston to study English. Unfortunately, the student hadn’t been able to make any friends for the six months she had been here. By the time I heard of it and before the message made it back to her, however, it was too late: she had already packed her bags and left for Japan in disappointment. How tragic – and utterly preventable had we only known earlier.
As well, when it comes to understanding the Bible, many Japanese may be curious while they're here, viewing it as a window into American culture, etc. Unfortunately, there is not at the moment a Japanese church in Houston, the fourth (now third?) largest city in America. I do know of a handful of Bible study groups, in English and in Japanese, expressly geared for them and sometimes contextualized with their cultural background in view.
The goal here is simply to be able to share such relevant information, events, and resources for those interested. And for those wanting to partner together on a deeper level in this effort and spread the word, rock on.
As for me, I grew up in Houston, taught English in Japan for a spell a few years back, and while over there God really gave me a heart for the Japanese. Since then, my passion is to be a friend, a servant, and to share Jesus with them. As I'm learning the language and lifestyle, I also love to learn from others that are keen for that kinda stuff. So tell me, what's your story?
grace & peace,