Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! (and an essay entitled "Why is Thanksgiving Special to Us?")

I thought it'd be nice to have a little hand-out that would explain a bit about the history and meaning of Thanksgiving - and I could share it with friends as we gathered for various parties this week.  Man, it's been some good eating too.

I know the English level of it is often rather advanced, but my friend was kind enough to translate it into Japanese (気は心!).  It's worth mentioning that I think the first time I heard of the part about tying together the God who sent kamikaze against the Monguls was in David C. Lewis' insightful book, "The Unseen Face of Japan", pages 304-306.

You can click below to view the rest in a separate document since it's too long I think for a regular post and this way it's easily printable. For the Japanese version, it was so terribly frustrating working for hours on trying to get the formatting right on Google Docs (with their 2MB limit), that I just decided to put the whole thing up directly.  I'd love to hear your feedback!

Why is Thanksgiving Special to Us?

You remember the story, right?

The Pilgrims were a group of Christians in England who committed to live their lives based on the Bible and a relationship with God.  They were persecuted by the legalistic religious and political authorities and in 1609 decided to leave their country.  They fled first to Holland and then later to the New World – America, at that time a dangerous voyage to an unknown wilderness.  In that harsh climate, nearly half of them died off in the first winter.

One day, an Indian warrior walked into their Plymouth settlement...
The rest of the story (English version)














後には、1588年に、スペインの無​​敵艦隊がイギリスを破壊した歴史があります...もちろん、歴史はそのような話がいっぱいですが。(古代中国の言語と先住民族の習慣について書かれている、聖書の物語ドン・リチャードソン“Eternity in Their Hearts”を参照してください)​​。 悲しいことに、イスラエルと日本のように、 アメリカも多くの時において、これら極めて重要な出来事を介して神が手を差し伸べてくれたにもかかわらず、神を拒否するという罪を犯しています。サンクスギビングでは、我々は自分自身を謙虚にもって、神の恵みを覚えておくよう語りかけられているのです。




今が私の好きな​​季節 -秋の素晴らしい色、 収穫を迎えた畑で積み上げられたとうもろこしの苞(ほう)。 これらはすべて神が私たちの楽しみのために造ってくださったもの -私は彼がどれほど良い仕事をしたのかとつくづく思う!





ヨエル2:23-24, 26-27







全能の主が、こう言われる”。 -コリント人への第二の手紙6:16-18




祈りは関係に基づいているので、感謝を表すのは、より個人的なものでなければならないし、誠実なものでなければならない-空っぽの言葉ではなく、生き方。 神の前において、わたしたちの言葉と生活は適切な感謝の祈りなのです。問題はその後です:我々は彼にどのような人生をお返しするべきでしょうか?

時々デザートとして私はバターミルクパイを作ります。その材料に4つの新鮮な卵と一つの腐った卵を持っていると想像してみてください。腐ったものは外から いいように見えますが、若干臭いがありますし、自分は中身がだめになっているということを知っています。 まあいいかと– 他は良い卵ですから、 私はそれらをすべて混ぜ合わせ、出来上がったときに誰も悪い卵を使ったと気がつかないでしょう。もし、私が友人や家族にそれを食べさせたら、あなたは私を どう思いますか?私の上司に対してだったらどうですか?

それは、私たちは神に戻って私たちの生活を提示するのと同じ方法です。私たちは、泥だらけの靴で上司の家に入る勇気はない。神は絶対的に純粋で神聖ですの で、彼は"汚い家"に住むはずはない。もし、私たちの心の中に、不純な気持ちや利己主義の心、汚れがあるならば、神は我々の生活を受け入れないということ です。聖書ではこれを“罪”と呼んでいます。

“罪”とはもちろん、銀行強盗などを意味するものではありません。これは私たちの言葉、思考、および行動で彼の名誉を傷つけ、意図的・故意に神と神の道に 反すること意味します。例えば、我々は、貪欲で、自信過剰、嫉妬深く、そして利己的・自己中心的です。私たちがどんなに神を愛し仕えたとしても、遠く及ば ないのです。その上、私たちの最初の祖先であるアダムとイヴが神に謀反を犯したので、生まれつき罪で汚れています。それはちょうど、川の上流でゴミにより 川が完全に汚染されてしまったようなものです。


彼は償いの罪の供え物として御子、イエスを、提供してくださいました。それは、完全に汚れのない、純粋で、潔白なイエスがこの地に降り、ユダヤ人の家族に 生れ、私たちと神との間を仲介してくれたということです。イエスは、十字架の上で私たちの罪と恥と罰を背負って、私たちの身代わりになってくださったので す。

“わたしたちがまだ弱かったころ、キリストは、時いたって、不信心な者たちのために死んでくださったのである…しかし、まだ罪びとであった時、わたしたち のためにキリストが死んでくださったことによって、神はわたしたちに対する愛を示されたのである。わたしたちは、キリストの血によって今は義とされている のだから、なおさら、彼によって神の怒りから救われるであろう。もし、わたしたちが敵であった時でさえ、御子の死によって神との和解を受けたとすれば、和 解を受けている今は、なおさら、彼のいのちによって救われるであろう。”(ローマ人への手紙5:6, 8-10).






何が感謝の気持ちを表すためのすばらしい贈り物になるでしょうか?もし、このことについて疑問があったり、イエスに従うことは何なのかというような質問がある場合は、ぜひ一緒に語りましょう! すてきなサンクスギビングをお過ごしください



Friday, November 18, 2011

A ton of free or semi-free ESL links for the Katy area (west Houston)

Now that I'm widening and consolidating my hold of English-dom out into the far reaches of west Houston, I'm more privy to the opportunities out there, like these "Parent Centers" out of Katy ISD:
Free English classes for Katy, TX schools

Or this list of other classes:
More Free English classes for Katy and Houston area

Actually, most of these are free; some charge a basic fee.  My recommendation is try some different classes and also pay a little for my own awesome lessons - individually or with friends at your home or local Starbucks, etc.  One of the reasons I say that is because volunteer teachers can be great, but their time and focus for the class can be limited.  Trained tutors on the other hand can be very expensive.  That's why I suggest doing both free ESL classes in addition to my (very cheap) lessons. :)

Of course, if you look to the right of this page, under Useful Links is my old ESL list that needs updating

Also, don't forget there's my other post on free Harris County classes listing

For a quick look at what's listed in the above links with some additional notes:

Crosspoint Community Church
700 South Westgreen Boulevard
Katy, Texas  77450
Classes are held each Thursday evening from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

Note that the church website is slightly different:
ESL Classes | Beginning January 2012| Offered Monday through Thursday | 6:30 - 9 p.m.
Free ESL classes for non-English speaking adults featuring two components: instruction in conversational English and information about issues affecting day-to-day living in the Katy community. All classes will be held at the Westgreen Campus. Child care is available on Thursday evening only at a daily cost of $3/child | $5/family or a monthly cost of $10/child | $15/family.

Also note that I've heard this will be at their Eight Ten campus (1106 Witte Rd), so please check to confirm details.

Harris County Department of Education (HCDE)
713-692-6216    Contact HCDE for details and locations throughout Houston. In Katy:
Mayde Creek High School                           Bear Creek United Methodist Church
19202 Groschke Road                                  16000 Rippling Water Drive
Houston, TX  77084                                       Houston, Texas  77084

Harris County Maude Marks Public Library
281-492-8592* (this is the correct number, the other referral list is wrong)
1815 Westgreen
Katy, Texas 77450
Each student is placed in a group to fit the individual’s needs.  Classes are free.

Hispanic Counseling Center
14780 Memorial Drive, Suite 206
Houston, Texas 77079
Class level assessed at time of registration; $25 per class.

Houston Community College (HCC),  Westgate Center
1550 Foxlake Drive
Houston, Texas  77084

Houston READ Commission:  Administrative Office
5400 Griggs Road
Houston, Texas 77021

Literacy Advance of Houston
2424 Wilcrest, Suite 120
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 266-8777
Offers four free programs: English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), Family Literacy, and While You're Waiting Classes. Must attend a two hour Student Orientation where they will be assessed. Greater Houston area.  Sessions held during the day and most evenings Mon-Sat. Classes are scheduled for two-hour meetings twice a week for 12 week sessions

Lone Star College – Cy Fair
9191 Barker Cypress
Cypress, Texas 77433
All classes are held in the Library -Room 102 next to the Cyber Café in the Lone Star College-CyFair Branch- Library.

Second Baptist Church, Williams House
19449 Katy Freeway
Houston, Texas 77094
Registration fee is $35. Classes are every Thursday morning, September through May.  Basic to advanced English classes with 4 levels of conversational English. Volunteer teachers.

Parent Centers:

Hayes Elementary Parent Center
21203 Park Timbers, Katy, TX  77450
Monday – Thursday                       9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Parents of children enrolled at:
Alexander, Creech, Exley, Hayes, Memorial Parkway, Williams Elementaries
Beck, McMeans, Memorial Parkway JH

Hutsell Elementary Parent Center
5360 Franz Road, Katy, TX  77493
Monday – Thursday                       9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Parents of children enrolled at:
Griffin, Holland, Hutsell, Katy, Kilpatrick, Rylander, Stanley, WoodCreek Elementaries
Katy, WoodCreek JH or Katy, Seven Lakes HS

King Elementary Parent Center
1901 Charlton House Lane, Katy, TX  77494
Monday – Thursday                       9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Parents of children enrolled at:
Cimarron, Fielder, Golbow, King, West Memorial, Winborn Elementaries
Beckendorff, Cinco Ranch, McDonald, West Memorial JH or Cinco Ranch HS

Mayde Creek Elementary Parent Center
2698 Greenhouse Road, Houston, TX  77084
Monday – Thursday                       9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Parents of children enrolled at:
Bear Creek, Mayde Creek, McRoberts, Rhoads, Schmalz, Wolfe Elementaries
Cardiff, Mayde Creek JH or Mayde Creek HS

Sundown Elementary Parent Center
20100 Saums Road, Katy, TX  77449
Monday – Thursday                       9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Parents of children enrolled at:
Franz, Morton Ranch, Nottingham Country, Pattison, Stephens, Sundown Elementaries
Morton Ranch JH or Morton Ranch, Taylor HS

Evening Program
Morton Ranch High School 9th Grade Center
(ELL District Testing Center)
21000 Franz Rd., Katy, TX  77449
Tuesday/Thursday                         6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Open to all Katy ISD campuses.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

International Student Thanksgiving Dinner

I know I shared this on Facebook, but for those of you at large in the Houston area who are wanting to participate in an American Thanksgiving at a friend's house (with a bunch of international students from the University of Houston), contact me and I can tell you the location and we can go together!  It's a huge house. 
You don't have to be a student - after all, I'm not a student.  But I do get hungry.  Especially for sweet potatoes with marshmallows.  (*For any Japanese new to Houston who might be shy in coming, my friend Shintaro and his wife will be around to help you out).
International Student Thanksgiving Dinner
"Let's Give Thanks"

Join us as we celebrate Thanksgiving with our friends, listen to "The First Thanksgiving" story and enjoy dinner together.  As we love sharing, please bring your favorite dish for Potluck Dinner.

When: Wednesday, November 23, 2011
7:00 pm until 10:00 pm

Family Fall Festival

So I meant to post this much earlier, but I guess I got carried away with my expanding empire of ESL lessons.

Anyway, I had a good time at this Fall Festival my church put on over at Schweppe Park by UT housing.  And, of course, I welcome any excuse to get dressed up in a costume. 

We had six Japanese families come, one of which was my first time meeting.  There were also about six billion Chinese families there.  I liked getting to hang out with them too.

Check out Pastor Ben's blog for the full scoop:
Family Fall Festival 2011

 Hope you can come next year! (& apologies for now advertising it on here earlier)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

English Conversation Groups - Greater Houston Area

So this is pretty cool.  We'll be... okay, I'll be expanding out my little niche of the ESL market into the greater Houston area.  Before it was just freebie stuff in the TMC, but there's such a need out in Westchase, Sugar Land, and Clear Lake, that I just gotta go and start charging those folks to have the chance to speak with me. 

Is it tacky to list rates?  Anyway, I think for now I'll settle on $15/hr, private or group - which is about as cheap as humanly possible.  (Earlier, I think sometimes I might have been misunderstood and "fifteen" sounded to other people like "fifty", so hopefully this will help to clear up any confusion).

Call now - operators are standing by...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Curriculum-based and Conversational English Classes in the Medical Center

For all of you doctors and researchers out there...

Just to help spread the word about these classes in the TMC, here's a quick link to Dr. Mark Picus' contact information.  He also offers periodic workshops.  Priority goes to M.D. Anderson employees and UT students ("available to all faculty, research and clinical personnel, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scholars who are non-native speakers of English"), but I think possibly others are welcome too if there's room.  Anyway, I know the conversation class on Fridays is usually more open to all, friends and spouses, etc.  Give Mark a call or e-mail about it; he's a nice guy.

I also hope to offer some opportunities myself over there shortly.  But I don't have a "Dr." before my name or even a mustache, so check him out:

English classes in the Med Center
Short Courses in Scientific English

Courses last 7 weeks and meet twice a week for 1 or 1.5 hours each day. Classes are held in the morning, during the lunch hour, or late in the afternoon. All classes are free of charge. Participants must speak English at the intermediate or higher level and be familiar with research and general biomedical terminology.

    Pronunciation 1: The Sounds and Syllables of American English
    Pronunciation 2: Rhythm, Stress, and Intonation in American English
    Speaking 1: Making Successful Presentations
    Speaking 2: Workplace Conversations
    Writing 1: Writing Coherent Paragraphs
    Writing 2: Making Your Sentences Flow
    Writing 3: Editing Your Own Writing

2011 Course Schedule (dates subject to change):
    Session 5: October 3-November 17
    Registration dates: August 24-September 13

Fall Conversation Course:

Starting on Friday, October 7, an informal course for non-native speakers of English will be offered every Friday during lunch (12:00-1:00) in the Scientific Publications Department in Pickens Tower (FCT5000H). No registration is necessary, but space will be limited. Feel free to bring your lunch, and come and practice speaking in a relaxed environment.

For more information, please contact Dr. Picus at 713-792-7251 or