Monday, March 25, 2013

The rumors are true...

In an effort to prevent an international scandal, and after pointed talks with the State Department, the Japanese Diet has decided to grant a reprieve and allow yours truly back into the country on the condition that I never again attempt to misuse His Imperial Majesty's vending machines or operate a sushi truck without proper licensing.  Also, the stipulation is that I must swear not to reveal anymore secrets of the yamabushi masters.

Fair enough.

I'm going back to Japan!  We're talking precise-to-the-second bullet trains, pine-dark mountain views, mist-shrouded cliffs, and the precious people.

I know, you're thinking, like, what could be cooler than that?

Besides a Jack Burton action figure, that is.

... and, right, of course, Maki Shizusawa jamming on the electric guitar.
Nevertheless, #3 on the Most Awesome List is my heading back to Japan after a five-year stint in Houston.

I'll be back in the Kansai area - Osaka to be exact.  Home of Japanese comedy and drama.  A stone's throw from Nishinomiya.  If you're thinking of how things went south last time, I'm confident this time will be different.

For starters, I'm staying far away from dragons this go 'round.
Um, yeah, let's turn the page, shall we?

So I'll be working a lot with university students, facilitating community, addressing the social issues of identity/belonging, and all the other stuff I've been going on about in past articles.  (Yes, all of those posts were converging for a reason).  I'm pretty stoked to be working with a crack international team, all of us specialists in our fields, seasoned operatives. 

On the downside, this will probably mean I'll be more disconnected from the typical Houston events I used to share on this blog.  I'm glad to have guest bloggers send stuff in, of course, but I imagine you'll be seeing this space look a little more like "Sunrise Osaka Japanese Network" from here on out.  I could start a separate blog for it, but I wouldn't count on it.  Most folks that view this site usually aren't even from Houston.

Only got a few days now.  Much as I'd normally like to fade into the shadows without much fanfare, I've had a great time with all the 別れ会 (farewell parties) and trying not to feel too awkward accepting all the 餞別 (farewell gifts/money).  Like they say, still all pretty surreal.  I don't think it'll all quite hit me until I'm on the plane, or frolicking amid the falling cherry blossoms, or running hard with the hot, sulfurous breath of wingèd creatures on my neck. 

Got my visa in hand, one-way plane ticket in the other, and a dying prayer on my lips.  So in the immortal words of our beloved Spike Spiegel:

(~ Olly Moss copyright.)

                                                                        SEE YOU SPACE COWBOY ...

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