Friday, May 17, 2013

"Your Story" Gospel video (日本語で)

Where did I come from?  Why am I here?  Where am I going?

This video is a great telling of the gospel as it deals with the "big questions."  It's also available in various languages.  Normally I wouldn't just re-post stuff like this (that's what Facebook or Tumblr is for), but I wanted to share this in a little more permanent way and maybe toss in a comment or two.

A minor note, but on a close listening, the "big questions" headers don't actually quite correspond with the content under each one.  Things about our purpose in life are raised under the "Where did I come from?" question, rather than "Why am I here?"  Also, the Japanese version is several minutes longer than the English version, so that may turn off a few of our more attention-challenged folks if you are sharing this video on the fly.

Regardless, I really like the word-picture of rotten rungs on a ladder as an apt description of how foolish it is to think of reaching heaven by a ladder.  Particularly effective is the image of a cloud above the person to symbolize the separation between them and God.  Works well with the word-picture of a black/dirty heart vs. how God and His Heaven are clean/pure.

And they managed to squeeze in a lot of Scripture - John 3:19; John 14:6; John 3:16; John 3:36; John 1:29; John 1:12; and John 6:37.  Kudos.

Your Story - Japanese from The Pocket Testament League on Vimeo.

How do you like this telling?

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say how awesome your blog is and you are! Love the blog and your heart...its extremely evident how much you care about internationals and Jesus and connecting the two. I happen to stumble across your blog while looking for houston souvenirs for a chinese friend of mine...and I found out that you love God and are a CELTA certified instructor...really its a small world! ha ha God bless your efforts to change the world around you-one person at a time.
    -Jess from Houston
