Friday, March 2, 2012

Accent/Pronunciation Resource

So there's obviously tons and tons of ESL websites out there that provide learners with all kinds of resources for self-study and I couldn't list a fraction of them here, even if I wanted to.  You have an internet.  Go do some searching. 

But I would like to mention one that seems pretty good to me dealing with pronunciation. 

This is, of course, a subject that is seriously under-emphasized in ESL classrooms and even when it is taught is usually done with little solid understanding of the underlying mechanical and linguistic problems and methodology.  In other words, the standard teaching we teachers get on teaching pronunciation is, short of a masters in TESOL, I think, a bit lacking.  At least they cover sentence stress patterns.

Since I'm no expert, I'm trying to educate myself a bit more on this particular field or subset of ESL for my students and I appreciate what I can learn from Lisa over at Accurate English.  She has several free YouTube videos up.  If you get a chance to order her course, let me know how you like it!  Mastering the American Accent (for Japanese)

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